... | ... | @@ -112,4 +112,27 @@ end |
* Copy your signing resources to the server by dragging them on VNC's window.
* Install your signing resources and remove their files.
* Open Slack and run your slash command.
* Keep server window open until it prompts for keychain access. This happens only once per certificate access. |
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* Keep server window open until it prompts for keychain access. This happens only once per certificate access.
**8. Automatic version increment**
* Make sure automatic incremented is properly configured.
* Add Gitlab Pusher (gitlab_pusher) user to your repository. Make sure it has enough access rights to write to develop branch. If you don't have enough permissions for that - ask your supervisor.
* Add the following line to before_all section of fastfile:
sh("git remote add gitlab git@gitlab.faifly.com/group/proj.git || true")
Replace the URL with SSH link to your repository.
* Add the following lines to the end of your lane's configuration:
sh("git commit -o ../Proj/Info.plist -m \"[ci skip] Incremented build version.\"")
sh("git push gitlab HEAD:develop")
Replace `Proj` with your project's name. Make sure that is a correct path to your Info.plist file (keep in mind, that current directory is fastlane's folder).
* Commit those changes to the repository and test. |
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