# Swift
## You should do the following:
1. Create a branch from develop called feature/swift.
2. Read about what is Swift, how it is used and how to use it with Objective-C.
3. Add “Edit” button as a left navigation bar button item of `MasterViewController`.
4. Create `OrganizationInfoViewController` in Swift, which is shown by tapping “Edit” button.
5. Add “organization” property to the controller, which should be somehow obtained.
6. Add “Calculate salary sum” button to the controller, which calculates the sum of salaries of all employees of the organization and outputs it in `UIAlertController` with a single “OK” button. This value should be stored in an optional variable called “salarySum”.
7. Create a pull request from your branch to develop.
## You should be able to answer the following questions:
* What is Swift?
* What is Swift’s current version?
* What is the difference between class, struct and enum?
* What are access controls in Swift?
* What are optionals? How can they be unwrapped?
* What is bridging header?
* How do Swift and Objective-C work together in a single project?
* What is `UIAlertController`? |