# Git
## You should do the following:
1. Create a public repository on GitHub with name <first_name>_<last_name>_learnProject.
2. Download SourceTree application and use it for repository management.
3. Push the existing source code to master branch of the repository.
4. Create a branch called “develop” from master branch.
5. Create a branch from develop called “feature/learning_git”.
6. Implement a new feature - removing an employee from the organization. You should implement a new method in organization class `- (void)removeEmployee:(Employee *)employee;`.
7. Commit and push the changes to feature/learning_git branch.
8. Add ArtemKalmykov (ar.kalmykov@gmail.com) to the repository as admin.
9. Create a pull request from your branch to develop and assign ArtemKalmykov as reviewer.
## You should be able to answer the following questions:
* What is an SCM and what is it used for?
* What is git?
* What is “commit”, “push”, “pull”, “branch” and “pull request”?
* What are branches used for? What is the common branching strategy?
* Are there any others SCM tools, except of git? |