# GCD and Math
## You should do the following:
1. Create a new branch from develop called feature/gcd
2. Connect a new library `SVProgressHUD` via `CocoaPods`.
3. Add a new button to `OrganizationInfoViewController` called “Calculate 10000th prime number”. It should calculate 10000th prime number in a background queue (global queue). Upon completion it should output the result in an `UIAlertController`. `SVProgressHUD` should be shown during calculation.
4. Create a pull request.
*HARDMODE: Write function for determining prime number yourself, without googling. Prime number = простое число.*
## You should be able to answer the following questions:
* What is `GCD` used for?
* What is main queue?
* What is the difference between sync and async?
* Can UI be changed in global queue? |