# Basic networking
## You should do the following:
1. Read about HTTP requests.
2. Read about JSON.
3. Install Google Chrome and Postman extension.
4. Execute `GET` request with `http://gitlab.faifly.com/ios-general/ios-tutorial/uploads/75727472327ca7b210bb1d904438a2d7/tutorial.json` URL. You should see JSON with a list of organizations.
5. Create a new branch from develop called feature/basic_networking.
6. Create a new class called `RequestManager`, which is subclass of `NSObject`.
7. Implement `fetchOrganizations` static method, which accepts one argument - a closure (block) with a single parameter - `[String : AnyObject]`. It should send a `GET` request to a URL specified above and return the response with the help of the closure.
8. Add a new button in `OrganizationInfoViewController`, called “Fetch organizations”. Upon tapping that button you should call `fetchOrganizations` method from `RequestManager`, parse it into the database and present an action sheet with a list of organizations. After selecting an organization you should return to `MainViewController` and its table should be reloaded with appropriate organization. Request should be done with `Alamofire`.
9. Create a pull request.
## You should be able to answer the following questions:
* What is an HTTP request?
* What is JSON?
* What data types does JSON support?
* What is an HTTP method?
* What HTTP methods do you know? What methods are the most common?
* What does an HTTP request consists of?
* What is Alamofire? |
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