# Basic CoreData
## You should do the following:
1. Create a branch from develop called feature/basic_coredata
2. Add CoreData to the project.
3. Add CoreData model, which describes existing organization and employee entities.
4. Implement all necessary classes, objects and methods to initialize and use CoreData.
5. Modify or re-create organization and employee classes, so they become subclasses of `NSManagedObject` and correctly work with CoreData.
6. Rework the logic of the application, so CoreData correctly works and saves all the changes.
7. Implement possibility of removing employees from an organization by swiping a cell of the table to the left. This is native functionality and thus should be implemented using native methods and properties of `UITableView`.
## You should be able to answer the following questions:
* What is CoreData?
* What is `NSManagedObject`?
* What is a relationship?
* What is one-to-one and one-to-many relationship?
* What is `NSManagedObjectContext`? How could it be saved and what happened if it is not saved?
* Are there other ways of storing data in a file? |