# Autolayout
## You should do the following:
1. Create a branch from develop called feature/autolayout.
2. Make the application universal (so it supports iPhone and iPad).
3. Make the application available in all orientations.
4. Modify the existing application, so all the views are positioned with the use of autolayout. `MainViewController` should have its table view stretched over the entire width and height. `DetailViewController` should stretch its label over the width and center it vertically. `CreateViewController` should persist the width of labels, but stretch the width of text fields.
5. Create a pull request from your branch to develop.
## You should be able to answer the following questions:
* What is a constraint?
* What is a size class?
* What properties define position of a UIView?
* What is the difference between frame and bounds?
* Can we modify frames in code, if our application uses autolayout? |