Server is currently hosted locally on If you want to create a new app for auto builds go to Jenkins and copy an existing job (e.g. iOS_ITPMonitor_Testflight).
This project is parameterized
checkbox is turned on, and LiveBuild boolean argument is added. It is used later to determine which configuration should be used. -
Prepare an environment for the run
checkbox is turned on.Keep Jenkins Environment Variables
andKeep Jenkins Build Variables
sub checkboxes are turned on to ensure this job receives the required environment variables (passwords, fastlane path etc). -
Source code management
section should be setup according to the project. The good practice is to giveJenkins
Gitlab user permissions to read/write into the repository and use that user's credentials in Jenkins job. Don't forget to specify the default branch. - Under
Source code management
Wipe out repository & force clone
option may be specified underAdditional behaviours
to be sure that git-related commands succeed. - Under
Post-build actions
,Archive the artifacts
option may be specified with the following parameter:*.ipa, *
to exportipa
file and debug symbols. - Under
Post-build actions
change parameter ofE-mail notification
to your email.
Build script
Build script looks like this:
security default-keychain -s ~/Library/Keychains/jenkins.keychain-db
security unlock-keychain -p Aa123654ff ~/Library/Keychains/jenkins.keychain-db
buildNumber=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" $plistFile)
buildNumber=$(($buildNumber + 1))
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $buildNumber" $plistFile
if [ $LiveBuild = true ]
xcodebuild -workspace HealthMonitor.xcworkspace -scheme ITPMonitor -configuration $configuration archive -archivePath ITP.xcarchive -allowProvisioningUpdates
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ITP.xcarchive -exportOptionsPlist exportOptions.plist -exportPath . -allowProvisioningUpdates
/Applications/\ --upload-app -f ITPMonitor.ipa -u -p Gfhjkm1!
git checkout develop
git add $plistFile
git commit -am "Increment build number."
git reset --hard
git pull origin develop
git push origin develop
The first two lines change the default keychain and unlock it. This prevents macOS to ask permissions to unlock the keychain, which will cause build to be stuck.
Lines 4-8 take plist file and increment build number.
Lines 10-15 determine which configuration should be used according to LiveBuild job parameter.
Line 17 archives the project with given workspace, scheme, configuration and archive path. Don't forget to change these values.
Line 18 exports the archive to create an ipa
Line 19 uploads the ipa to iTunes Connect using Faifly's default user's credentials. Make sure that this user ( is added to iTunes Connect and has permissions to upload builds.
The rest of the lines commit plist file and push it to the repository to keep build version up-to-date. Don't forget to change branch name.